Dead Companies Walking is a book by successful hedge fund manager, Scott Fearon, about how and why he shorts companies (i.e. bets on their failure, or at the very least, dramatic drop in share-price). But as someone who has never, and likely will never short a stock, I was not reading it for its practical…
Category: Monday Morning Reading
Cathedral – Raymond Carver
Two of my “rules” of reading (and there really are no hard and fast rules) are that I will try to read books recommended by people whose writing I like; and if a book or author come up more than once in a positive way in a short period of time, I try to read…
Being a Stranger in a Not-So-Strange Land
I’ve spent a lot of time in the New York area over the years with my wife’s family, beyond my time with all the American day school people I’ve worked and learned with over the years. That’s a lot of face time with U.S. citizens. The cultures are different, but not that different. Yes, the…
Morgan Housel – The Psychology of Money
At a certain point in my early thirties I decided to take control of my own financial savings and future. I didn’t like feeling dependent on a financial advisor, and wasn’t convinced the fees were worth it (or that his advice was very good). So I began to read. Like many, I started with Benjamin…
Absolution by Alice McDermott
Absolution, by Alice McDermott, is one of those novel’s that I finish still trying to put the pieces together. I think this is because it was a story told as a series of reflections, rather than a linear narrative. It is also a story about relationships – primarily between friends (one dominant, one unsure of…
Thomas Sowell – The Quest For Cosmic Justice
Today is a day of beginnings. It’s Rosh Chodesh. It’s the first day of my new Headship at Gesher Yehudah/Yeshiva Prep. And it’s the first time I’ve posted a book review to my blog but not sent out as a Monday Morning Reading to Netivot, which feels rather strange. I’m hoping it’s a good beginning,…
Last Monday Morning Reading, and Jonathan Haidt – The Anxious Generation
Before I talk about The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt, given that this is my last Monday Morning Reading, I wanted to share a few thoughts about reading. Through sharing in this space over the last few years, I’ve had lots of opportunities for conversation about reading, and it’s given me some food for thought. …
Paul Kalanithi – When Breath Becomes Air
I continue to think memoir is an exceptionally powerful form of writing, and When Breath Becomes Air, by Paul Kalanithi, was no exception. By all conventional metrics, Kalanithi was an accomplished and extraordinary person. He got a BA and MA in English literature at Stanford University, a MPhil in history and philosophy of science at…
David Foster Wallace – String Theory
David Foster Wallace is considered one of the great American writers of the late 20th century. My introduction to him came through his now-famous Kenyon State graduation address, This Is Water, which was gifted to me by a friend (please read it!). I’ll admit to being intimidated by his most famous book, Infinite Jest. I’ve…
Robert Kurson – Shadow Divers
When I was 17, one of my best friends wanted to learn how to scuba dive, so we took the course together and did pool-training. But I was neither that interested in it myself, nor was I really up for an open water dive in Tobermory (on top of being a little nervous about getting…